
“Recently, a CBS News Investigation revealed that many police departments are struggling to overcome racial bias. What can be done to ensure that the trainings and workshops that are implemented to overcome bias and discrimination are actually effective? Training 4 Transformation (T4T) might be the answer.”

Diversity Trainings Usually Fail: Here’s What You Can Do To Create Lasting Changes – Forbes

Public Health Model

Based upon the Social Determinants of Health Framework (SDOH) it is recognized that “…laws and policies must identify racism as a system that causes racial inequalities in housing, healthcare, education, employment, and law enforcement, resulting in physical and physiological harm. This statement was shared via ‘Racism is a Public Health Crisis’ in 2020 from the Institute of Healing Justice and Equity located at Saint Louis University. This report has found, from a national perspective, that racism has caused major damage to marginalized communities located across the United States of America.  



Training 4 Transformation workshops are multi-faceted and dynamic using diverse formats that maximize engagement, sharing and learning. Together, we explore how cultural, religious and racial stereotypes influence our beliefs and their impact on communities. In addition, the workshop aims to increase awareness about the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement personnel. Below are recent highlights from T4T’s track record of Training & Oversight, Community Conscious Policing, Community Conscious Corrections, Public Involvement, Community Facilitation, Institutional Equity Planning and Implementation: